Go With The Wind Cruises

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Olga and Oscar from Edmonton and Sandy and Carson from Kelowna

Here's 3 year old Carson and Oscar my lookouts for this cruise. Turn around guys.

Here's Sandy and Carson. Sandy operates the Okanagan House B&B here in Kelowna so if your looking for a nice place to stay give Sandy a call at 250-712-1132

Here's Olga and Oscar who are visiting from Edmonton.

HAPPY 24TH ANNIVERSARY Danny and Angelica

A toast to 24 years together. This was a complete suprise for Danny who thought maybe they were going up for a plane ride. It was a very gusty/calm night and we got in just in time to avoid winds in the high 30's.

Whip Cream on an anniversary cruise????????? You don't want to know how this conversation went but you can pretty much tell by the look on Angelica's face.

A great cruise and now a steak supper at Coyote's.
"A great cruise for a great 24th anniversary. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Thank you.
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